Oct 1st - Welcome to October

October 2, 2024
Greetings foolish mortals and welcome to October. Not really a whole lot to update with. We are starting out new job next week so we got that going for us…which is nice. Been a quiet day mostly
today while preparing. Hope everyone is doing well. 

Until next time…

BBP out!!!

September 30th - A challenging day

October 1, 2024
This might end up being a long post but it will have nothing to do with politics or Halloween. 

Today is and will always be one of the hardest days in my life. Today, 34 years ago, I lost a best friend, a roommate, a brother and his family lost a son and his future ended in a helicopter crash off the coast of Oregon. Many of my AW brothers were there and pleading to go into the water to try and assist but were denied. I can only imagine the frustration with that as we were Rescue Swimmers, tra...

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Sep 18th - 3 years

September 18, 2024
Greetings foolish mortals.  Today is my third anniversary of having purchased my first Toyota Tacoma.  Not sure if it'll be my last but I'm hoping to get some good use out of her.  Got 60,000 miles on her and swapped out the tires at about 50,000 miles.  Put my new favorite tires on her, Yokohamas which I loved after putting them on my previous truck, The Desert Runner.

One week left until I am done with my current job.  While it's a bit bittersweet, I'm excited and nervous for the new challen...
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September 8th - A special day

September 9, 2024
Greetings foolish mortals.  Today is a very special day for the BBP.

First, 38 years ago, a young, skinny 18 year old, naive kid, left home and joined the United States Navy.  He was nervous and unsure of his decision but stuck through it and is now, forever a part of history.  He saw and did many things, things most people could never do or even survive and yet he's always risen to the challenges placed before him.

12 years later, he embarked on yet again, another life changing adventure.  Sta...
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September 1st - Welcome to September

September 2, 2024
Welcome foolish mortals and welcome to September. We are off and running.

The best birthday month is behind us now but it did give us the start to Epcot Food and Wine Festival and also the beginning to Halloween Horror Nights. The BBP visited both on their respective opening days and had a very good time. I’ll be writing more descriptions as we progress through our visits but the Beer braised beef and Gouda mashed potatoes are amazing again. 

Been starting to film my excursions too as I’m w...
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August 25th - Almost time

August 26, 2024
Greetings foolish mortals!!!  Well, it has been an interesting few weeks to say the least.  Been down with Covid but am feeling much better finally.  Took a week of rest to get there.

Have finally gotten my GoPro working now and have made a few videos and posted them on Youtube.  I'll add the links in here for them.  Been a couple of weeks since my bday but as mentioned, finally got the videos loaded.  

Got some other news that I will announce a little later as well.

We've also got Epcot Food an...
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August 14th - Happy Birthday

August 14, 2024
Greetings foolish mortals.  Like The Haunted Mansion, the BBP recently had a birthday.  It was a day of enjoying rope drop time at Animal Kingdom and getting on a couple of attractions not yet ridden.

First one was Navi River Journey.  The wait time said 20 minutes but it was closer to 12.  It was a much welcome relief from the heat and humidity in the early Florida weather.  Nice and cool and shaded.  The ride itself, not so interesting.  The special effects were very cool and it was calm and...
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August 1st - Welcome to August

August 2, 2024
Greetings foolish mortals and welcome to the best month. 

It’s the BBP’s bday month and the celebrations are in line. 

There’s Halloween stuff starting up and Epcot food and wine festival is coming too. 

Much things on the horizon. 

Until next time…

BBP out!!!
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July 1st - Welcome to July

July 2, 2024
Welcome foolish mortals and welcome to July.  It's been hot as hell here and rainy too.  

Been so much going on lately but keeping things close to the chest. On more open news, we are closer to Halloween and seeing things in the stores which is nice.  Next month starts Halloween Horror Nights as well as Epcot Food and Wine Festival.  Playing some golf too so my game is getting better.  

Hope everyone stays cool and has a great start of the summer.

Until next time...

BBP out!!!...
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June 1st - Welcome June

June 2, 2024
Greetings, foolish mortals. Welcome to June and also welcome to the first day of hurricane season. I’ve continued my streak with only updating it once a month and I hope to break that this month.

been a busy time that has kept me away from my updates and from doing a lot of things but hopefully that will change and we will get to this more often.

Not really a whole lot to report just the same old same old that we’ve been doing. We have been enjoying a few trips to Walt Disney World to all t...
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