July 1st - Welcome to July

July 2, 2024
Welcome foolish mortals and welcome to July.  It's been hot as hell here and rainy too.  

Been so much going on lately but keeping things close to the chest. On more open news, we are closer to Halloween and seeing things in the stores which is nice.  Next month starts Halloween Horror Nights as well as Epcot Food and Wine Festival.  Playing some golf too so my game is getting better.  

Hope everyone stays cool and has a great start of the summer.

Until next time...

BBP out!!!

June 1st - Welcome June

June 2, 2024
Greetings, foolish mortals. Welcome to June and also welcome to the first day of hurricane season. I’ve continued my streak with only updating it once a month and I hope to break that this month.

been a busy time that has kept me away from my updates and from doing a lot of things but hopefully that will change and we will get to this more often.

Not really a whole lot to report just the same old same old that we’ve been doing. We have been enjoying a few trips to Walt Disney World to all t...
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May 1st - It’s gonna be May!!!

May 2, 2024
Greetings foolish mortals and welcome to May. Been a month since I updated the site but the BBP has been run down with Influenza. Really wiped us out. Still not 100% but getting much better. 

Things are moving along though so we got that going for us…which is nice. 

Until next time…

BBP Out!!!
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April 1st - Happy April Fool’s

April 1, 2024
Greetings, foolish mortals. Happy April Fools’ Day, and welcome to April. We are now in the second quarter of the year which is just flying by. 

been pretty crazy busy in the professional world which insures we pay our bills. Playing some golf and also going to all the theme parks at Walt Disney World. Just had two weeks blackout dates but today was the first day where I could go back so I’m going to try to go this week at least once. I do love going there and it is my happy place. 

Other t...
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March 1st - Welcome to March

March 2, 2024
Greetings foolish mortals. Welcome to March. It’s been a crazy busy month and it feels like it’s been going on and on and on. We’re about ready to start spring and spring is probably my second favorite season followed only by fall.

It’s amazing how fast this year is already flying by. There’s been so much going on and it doesn’t look like it’s slowing down anytime soon. But hopefully will be able to enjoy it.

Until next time…

BBP Out!!!
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Feb 2nd - One year

February 3, 2024
Today marks the the first anniversary of mom leaving us. Been a tough year for all of us and she is never far from our hearts and thoughts. 

One year.
One year since you left.
One year of first year experiences.
One year of dealing with those experiences.
One year of tears.
One year of feeling you gone.
One year of feeling you in the old house.
One year of saying goodbye.
One year of missing you.
One year of continue living for us.
One year of love.
One year is never the end.

Miss and love you mom.

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Feb 1st - Welcome to February

February 1, 2024
Welcome foolish mortals, to February.  January just seemed to go on and on but was also over in a flash.

I know, same old tale where I say I'm going to work on here more and post more but I haven't done it yet this year.

Busy times are a happening.

Until next time...

BBP out!!!
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January 1st - Happy 2024

January 2, 2024
Greetings foolish mortals. Welcome to 2024 and for the first day of the year, we are hoping it started off really well for you.

This new year will hopefully bring much joy, happiness and good times.

Have a great start and make it count for all the right reasons. 

Until next time…

BBP Out!!!
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Dec 31st - Goodbye 2023

January 1, 2024
Greetings foolish mortals and join me in saying farewell to 2023.  It's been a tough year and ready to move on to 2024.

The main part of 2023 was the passing of my mother on February 2nd. I have had my moments where I've broken down several times. She's never really gone as long as I keep her in my heart and memories.

Also lost a very close friend from my old neighborhood and high school as well as a very close friend and shipmate from the Navy.  Was a tough year.

On a bit lighter note and not n...
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Dec 5th - Welcome to December (Little late)

December 5, 2023
Greetings foolish mortals and welcome to December.  I know we're a little late this month but it's been a busy time and just running out of time to do things but here we are. Hope everyone had a very nice Thanksgiving and are now elbow deep into the Holiday season.

The BBP has been recovering from some off season surgery and is now nearly 100% back.  I know it's been over a month since I added anything and it's just been that kind of year.  We are going to make it more of a point to do more.  ...
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