Greetings foolish mortals. I know. It's been 28 days since I last edited this or added anything. It's hard at times to just break away and wrote down my thoughts or the on goings throughout the days, weeks and month. I've been so busy dealing with other things that I just lose track of this site at times. I'll get reminders occasionally and think, I need to update, but then get distracted by something else.
Not really a whole lot going on here except work and same old things. I did manage to get out and play a round of golf last week, and while I didn't play my best, I played okay. I really need to work on my driving. Still fading and also slicing. UGH!!! That's so frustrating. I did buy a Calloway Steelhead 5 Hybrid club to replace my almost 10 year old Top Flite 4 Hybrid. It felt good using it in the driving net at the PGA Superstore sow e shall see how it goes on the course.
Also had to say goodbye to the Horse. My Ironhorse had seen better days and it was time to put it out to pasture. I'll miss it as I had some great rides on it and crashes but it's time to move on as it was about 15 years old, if not older.

Well, that is about all for now so until next time...
BBP out!!!